Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Field Trip

Last Thursday I was lucky enough to go with Zach on his field trip. First, we went to the fire station. The kids watched a little movie all about fire safety and then one of the firemen crawled into the room in full gear. All but one of the kids did really well seeing the fireman completely dressed. They next practiced stop, drop and roll.

After that, they took them out to the garage and let all of the kids walk through the ambulance.

They also let each of the kids sit in the driver's seat.

And of course, they turned on the lights and sirens. Unfortunately, it was snowing outside so all of the sound stayed right in the garage. It was loud!

Our next stop was Cold Stone. They all got to see how ice cream is made and then sample some. The manager was also nice enough to give all of the kids certificates for a free kids ice cream.

Lastly, we went to Smith's. They toured the grocery store and learned about all of the different jobs that you could have when working at the grocery store.

It was a long day but the kids seemed to enjoy it.


The Selleneits said...

I cant believe how big is his. I love it. He is so cute, looks like lots of fun,

ba and the boys said...

way long day-but what fun! i want a cold stone tour!

Wendi said...

Okay that is three field trips all combined into one. No wonder it was a long day. Yikes!!!

I too would love a tor of cold stone and the free samples wouldn't be too bad as well. :-)