Wednesday, August 27, 2008


This was too cute not to post. Zach got some Batman underoos and he wanted to run around in them all day. Who am I to argue with Batman and his define suit.

He later grabbed his mask to complete the disguise and took the Batmobile out for a cruise.

This was too cute not to post. Zach got some Batman underoos and he wanted to run around in them all day


Tracy said...

Hahaha. I love the mask. It takes me back to Aaron & I jumping off mom & dad's bed in our Superman and Wonder Woman underoos. We were awesome.

Katy said...

so fun...
we were sorry we missed you guys. We would have loved to see Zach as Batman!k

ba and the boys said...

who doesnt love underroos!? i had wonder woman, super girl and c3po. aaahhh...good times...
zac looks awesome!