Wednesday, April 21, 2010

2 months and Kindergarten

To make it easier on both me and Aaron, we decided to take all three kids in for shots at the same time (ha ha ha). What a fun time!?! Here are everyone's stats.

(this picture is of him watching the babies take their first baths, with his nose pressed against the glass)


Height: 44.2 in (90%)
Weight: 46 lbs (85%)


Height: 23.1 in (50%)
Weight: 12.1 lbs (60%)
Head: 15.3 in (25%)


Height: 24 in (95%)
Weight: 12.9 lbs (90%)
Head: 15.1 in (40%)

Everyone is doing great and growing the way they should. We cannot believe how big the twins are already. It is hard to think that they started out so little. Zach is now ready for kindergarten and can't wait to start.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Easter